W.E.T. Inc. is a Public Relations firm located in Beverly Hills, California with a unique approach to assist those individuals who want to enhance their visibility within the realms of the entertainment industry. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an aspiring singer, model, comedian or actor, W.E.T. PR, Inc. can and will get you recognized. Each client is personally screened prior to signing a contract to ensure all aspects of their positive image is reflected in the media; TV, Radio and Silver Screen; we’ll “Write it, Edit it, then Tell it”
Cassandra Williams
W.E.T. was originally formed to assist families to improve their quality of life while being relocated from crisis situations. President and CEO Cassandra Williams established a "unique" and "sensitive" approach to assist families to improve their quality of life while returning to main stream living.
Ms. Williams realized that if a person is not comfortable with him or her self, he/she cannot move forward with any aspect of their life. While assisting families with social service referrals, job training/development and all aspects of improved living, Ms. Williams began to ascertain that many individuals who were trying to pursue their goals in the entertainment industry, could not express themselves orally or verbally, hold an interview or communicate effectively to the media. Thus W..ET. PR, Inc. was formed.